BIOSPHERE certification
Responsible Tourism
Boavista Guest House has assumed its commitment to Sustainability, through the international references Biosphere Responsible Tourism .

Our Sustainable Tourism Policy
Boavista Guest House has as its central objective the satisfaction and well-being of those who visit us. We know that tourism is an economic activity with a great impact on the environment, heritage and the local community. It is impossible to remain indifferent to the increasingly evident need to follow a more sustainable business model. We want to value the heritage that is part of our city, give back to the community that welcomes us and preserve the environment, source of all resources.
Therefore, we are committed to carrying out a sustainable management of our activity, complying with the requirements established in the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle which includes, among other things, the legal requirements that regulate the effects generated by the tourist activity.
Thus, we base all our policies and values in this direction.
Our unit's mission is to welcome those who visit us and make them feel at home. We value and encourage our guests to visit and enjoy the services of our local partners as well as to know and value the material and immaterial heritage of the city, in a responsible way.
We want to be part of the change process and be an accommodation unit that stands out for its hospitality, relationship and exemplary cooperation with its community and employees.
At Boavista Guest House we have the following values:
Be an example of hospitality;
Offer comfort and well-being – guests, employees and partners;
Promotion of equal opportunities;
Awareness of all workers for the defense of the common good;
Promote responsible, conscious and participatory citizenship;
Share our local knowledge;
Encouraging guests, partners, employees to adopt habits with a positive impact on the environment and socio-economics.
This Responsible Tourism Policy will be updated whenever circumstances require, adopting and publishing new sustainability objectives in both cases.